Welcome speech from ICCOMAH 2020 local host
Prof. Dr. H. Edi Setiadi, S.H., M.H
Prof. Dr. H. Edi Setiadi, S.H., M.H is the Chancellor of Universitas Islam Bandung. He is Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice System at Unisba. He completed his undergraduate education in 1982 at the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba), completed the KPK Law Science Masters Program at Diponegoro University and the University of Indonesia, Semarang - Jakarta in 1991. Earned his doctorate in 2004 at the Law Doctoral Program at Diponegoro University, Semarang.
Besides actively teaching at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Bandung, Prof. Dr. H. Edi Setiadi, S.H., M.H is active as a writer in various media. He is also a frequent consultant of criminal cases and resource persons for various national and international forums, currently he also serves as Chair of the APPERTI Quality Assurance and Accreditation Board, Board of Private Islamic Higher Education Cooperation Agency in Indonesia, Board of Trustees of the Alliance of College Volunteers Against Drugs Abuse, Coordinator for International Cooperation and Relations ICMI West Java, and member of the association of West Java Higher Education Service Institution professors.
Besides actively teaching at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Bandung, Prof. Dr. H. Edi Setiadi, S.H., M.H is active as a writer in various media. He is also a frequent consultant of criminal cases and resource persons for various national and international forums, currently he also serves as Chair of the APPERTI Quality Assurance and Accreditation Board, Board of Private Islamic Higher Education Cooperation Agency in Indonesia, Board of Trustees of the Alliance of College Volunteers Against Drugs Abuse, Coordinator for International Cooperation and Relations ICMI West Java, and member of the association of West Java Higher Education Service Institution professors.
Dr. Hasrina Mustafa
Dr. Hasrina Mustafa is an associate professor at the School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She holds a B.HSc. degree in Organizational Communication (1997) from the International Islamic University Malaysia, a MA degree in Communication from the Universiti Sains Malaysia (2000) and a Graduate Non-Degree Certificate from the Ohio State University in 2002. In 2005 she obtained her Ph.D. from the Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2005 in the field of mass communication.
Dr. Hasrina lectures on integrated marketing communication, research methods, data analysis and digital strategies mainly at post-graduate level. A strong proponent of active learning and knowledge co-creation strategies, she enjoys structuring her course with various theoretical and industrial materials while at the same allowing students the flexibility in contributing their existing industrial knowledge and skills to enrich the whole learning experience in class.
Dr Hasrina has been involved in a series of industrial training in Google Ad, Facebook Ad, Google Analytics and Email Marketing since 2013. Currently she heads a team of marketing specialists in designing and managing the digital marketing campaigns for USM using Google Ad and Facebook Ad platforms to reach more than 15 countries including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and others. She was the key person behind the setting up of a series of advertising campaigns in China via Baidu and WeChat.
Since the start of her career in academia, she has been involved in several research and consultancy projects related to marketing communication and tourism i.e. profiling of high risk motorists, tourist experience in Langkawi, the impact of tourism on social and economic development in Langkawi, Langkawi Benchmarking study and Langkawi Tourism Blueprint. Her research work has been previously funded by Warisan Advertising, Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Langkawi Development Authority, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Her current research aims to deconstruct the Generational Cohort Theory to better predict effective ways and strategies to market to the Generation Z and beyond.
Dr. Hasrina lectures on integrated marketing communication, research methods, data analysis and digital strategies mainly at post-graduate level. A strong proponent of active learning and knowledge co-creation strategies, she enjoys structuring her course with various theoretical and industrial materials while at the same allowing students the flexibility in contributing their existing industrial knowledge and skills to enrich the whole learning experience in class.
Dr Hasrina has been involved in a series of industrial training in Google Ad, Facebook Ad, Google Analytics and Email Marketing since 2013. Currently she heads a team of marketing specialists in designing and managing the digital marketing campaigns for USM using Google Ad and Facebook Ad platforms to reach more than 15 countries including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and others. She was the key person behind the setting up of a series of advertising campaigns in China via Baidu and WeChat.
Since the start of her career in academia, she has been involved in several research and consultancy projects related to marketing communication and tourism i.e. profiling of high risk motorists, tourist experience in Langkawi, the impact of tourism on social and economic development in Langkawi, Langkawi Benchmarking study and Langkawi Tourism Blueprint. Her research work has been previously funded by Warisan Advertising, Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS), Langkawi Development Authority, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Her current research aims to deconstruct the Generational Cohort Theory to better predict effective ways and strategies to market to the Generation Z and beyond.
Dr. Nuriyati Samatan
Nama lengkap: Dr. Nuriyati Samatan, Dra., M.Ag, lahir di Banggai pada 18 April 1965, dari pasangan H. Nursalam Samatan (Almarhum) dan Ibu Hj. Satima binti Haji Kamalu. Anak pertama dari Sembilan bersaudara. Menempuh pendidikan di SD, Tsanawiyah dan Aliyah di Banggai, dan meneruskan studi S1 di Fakultas Ushuluddin Jurusan Dakwah Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar (selesai tahun 1990), meneruskan studi S2 Jurusan Dakwah dan Komunikasi Sosial di Universitas Muslim Indonesia dan menyelesaikan studi tahun 1999, tahun 2002 melanjutkan studi Program S3 Ilmu Komunikasi di UNPAD (Universitas Padjadjaran) Bandung, dan menyelesaikan studi pada tahun 2007. Saat ini sebagai Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gunadarma. Selain sebagai pengajar mata kuliah Metode Penelitian Komunikasi, Filsafat Ilmu Komunikasi dan Psikologi Komunikasi, juga adalah sebagai peneliti, dan penulis buku.
Dr. Norsiah binti Abdul Hamid
Norsiah Abdul Hamid is an Associate Professor at the School of Multimedia Technology and Communication, Universiti Utara Malaysia. She received her PhD in Information Science from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She is currently an Elected Treasurer of Malaysian Association of Communication Educators (MACE) since 2018. Her areas of interest include the impact of media on society, media psychology, women issues, and knowledge-based society. Her current projects include research on the positive psychology of social media among housewives and media literacy among community members in Malaysia and Iran. Concurrently she is also editing a book on the effects of social media in Malaysia.
Associate Professor Dr. Nik Hasnaa Nik Mahmood
Associate Professor Dr. Nik Hasnaa Nik Mahmood received her Ph. D in Training Management from the University Putra Malaysia. Her research interests focus on Human Resource Development. She has published over 40 indexed and non-indexed journal papers and was widely invited to speak at international as well as national seminars, workshops and conferences. She was appointed as a Visiting Professor to Beifang University of Nationalities Yinchuan, Ningxia, Republic of China in 205 and 2016 as well as Visiting Professor to Sudan University Science Technology (SUST), Khartoum, Sudan in 2016. . She had graduated a number of 20 doctoral students and 5 M.Phil students. She had co-invented with her doctoral students a Hazard Identification using Virtual Reality Simulation (HI-VRMS) and the invention is copyrighted and patent filed status, She was honoured with awards including Silver Award International Invention, Innovation, Design Exposition UITM (IIDEX 2017) , Silver Award Innovative Practices in Education and Industry Exhibition (I-PEINX 2016), Excellence Service Awards 1998 and 2012 and Best Paper Award, at the HRD International Conference organized by USA Academy of Human Resource Development (ASTD) & Korean Academy of Human Resource Development, 2004. She was appointed as Chairperson of Malaysian Chapter for Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America, USA (BAASANA) . She is also the Associate-Editor of International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences (IJBAS) and Editorial Board Members of International Journal of Social Policy and Society.